Lisa Nichols Motivation

Lisa Nichols Quotes

Lisa Nichols is a CEO, international speaker, and the author of six books including the bestseller “Lights Out: The Electricity Crisis of 2012 and What You Can Do Now.”

Lisa Nichols is a motivational speaker who has spoken to audiences all over the world. She is the author of six books, including No Matter What! and Abundance Now. Nichols is also the founder of the LifeVantage Corporation, a company that manufactures and distributes health and wellness products.

Lisa Nichols Quotes

The celebrated life coach Lisa Nichols is known for her motivational quotes. She has said, “Your life is a result of the choices you make, so choose wisely.” Nichols’ words are a reminder to stay focused on what’s important and to make decisions that will lead to a happy and fulfilling life.

“You are the designer of your destiny; you are the author of your story.”

Lisa Nichols

“Dimming your light doesn’t do you or the world any good. You were meant to be great. Stand in that power.” Lisa Nichols

“So often we take care of everybody and the whole time we’re putting ourselves on the back burner. This is the season for you to ‘do you’ first.” Lisa Nichols

“Do you realize that your love, your peace, your joy, your bliss can be so powerful in you that it becomes contagious, and people just want to be around you and they don’t know even know why.” Lisa Nichols

“While we may love each other and never stop loving

each other, so often we stop “showing” each

other love.”

Lisa Nichols

Lisa Nichols Books

No Matter What Lisa Nichols Quotes

“When your clarity meets your conviction and you apply action to the equation, your world will begin to transform before your eyes.”

Lisa Nichols, No Matter What!: 9 Steps to Living the Life You Love

“You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be joyful. You deserve to be celebrated. But in order to do that, you must first fall madly in love with yourself.” Lisa Nichols

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“Every single thing you touch is impacted by your story.” Lisa Nichols

“mostly, the world sees you the way you see yourself.”

Lisa Nichols, No Matter What!: 9 Steps to Living the Life You Love

“Self-enrichment is that act of creating a thousand micro wins, so you can have one macro win.”

Lisa Nichols, Abundance Now: Amplify Your Life & Achieve Prosperity Today

Lisa Nichols Motivation

“Some motivation will come wrapped in sandpaper.” Lisa Nichols

“I am a work in progress, I am reinventing myself.” Lisa Nichols

“The next time you sense a strong emotion, take some time to put a finger on exactly what you’re feeling. Get quiet, turn inward, and just listen.” Lisa Nichols

“…most people unconsciously dream themselves out of their goals. They dream so far past their current reality—or what’s currently possible—that they end up abandoning their goals and damaging their own self-esteem.”

Lisa Nichols

Lisa Nichols Abundance Now Quotes

“Sometimes our talent is plain old everyday people skills that have been lost in our fast-paced society—listening, compassion, a sense of humor, and a positive outlook.”

Lisa Nichols, Abundance Now: Amplify Your Life & Achieve Prosperity Today

“you’ll learn how to recognize when you’re living in the country called “Sad” in the town called “Victimville” on the street called “Hurt Lane” so you don’t stay there longer than you need to.”

Lisa Nichols, No Matter What!: 9 Steps to Living the Life You Love

“Fear is not meant to stop you, it’s meant to wake you up, to keep you up at night preparing and prepping for your goals.” Lisa Nichols

“God help me get out of my own way so that I can do what I’m here to do.” Lisa Nichols

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“In the pursuit of not falling, you’ll never fly.” Lisa Nichols

“People are more comfortable with a familiar discomfort than they are with an unfamiliar new possibility.”

Lisa Nichols

Lisa Nichols Wikipedia

Lisa Nichols Age

“Do you realize that your love, your peace, your joy, your bliss can be so powerful in you that it becomes contagious, and people just want to be around you and they don’t know even know why.”

Lisa Nichols

“When you give yourself permission to have made mistakes in the past—when you begin to trust yourself about making new choices—that’s when your intuition becomes reliable and trustworthy.”

Lisa Nichols, Abundance Now: Amplify Your Life & Achieve Prosperity Today

“The truth is that no matter where you started out in life, you have a choice between scarcity and abundance.” Lisa Nichols

“Stop asking for permission.” Lisa Nichols

“Wherever your mind is, your lifestyle has to follow.” Lisa Nichols

“Learn how to ask for what you need in a way that leaves your community feeling not only empowered to give you what you ask for, but inspired to do so.”

Lisa Nichols, Abundance Now: Amplify Your Life & Achieve Prosperity Today

Lisa Nichols Husband

“Don’t make your community and loved ones guess what you need. It’s not fair to them. Instead, proactively tell them—in an uplifting way—how to love you.”

Lisa Nichols, Abundance Now: Amplify Your Life & Achieve Prosperity Today

“Your best opportunities are out on the skinny branch.”

Lisa Nichols

“Being unapologetic means that I will be all of me. I will no longer shrink or compromise myself by playing small so others will not feel insecure in my presence.” Lisa Nichols

“You are the author of your story.” Lisa Nichols

“I was willing to be my own rescuer at the risk of your approval.”

Lisa Nichols

“I now spend my time solely on those activities that only I can do, and even then only on those activities that have the highest return. These”

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Lisa Nichols, Abundance Now: Amplify Your Life & Achieve Prosperity Today

Lisa Nichols Wikipedia

“Intent reveals desire; action reveals commitment.” Lisa Nichols

“Your best opportunities are out on the skinny branch.” Lisa Nichols

“Allow change.” Lisa Nichols

“Comparison is and will always be the thief of all joy.”

Lisa Nichols

“Your job is to fill your own cup, so it overflows. Then you can serve others, joyfully.”

Lisa Nichols

Lisa Nichols Age

Lisa Nichols Net Worth

“Tell them to who? Why would anyone want to hear my jokes? It was my I-don’t-know-what-I-don’t-know moment.”

Lisa Nichols, Abundance Now: Amplify Your Life & Achieve Prosperity Today

“While you’re walking on your journey, some days you’re going to have to take that walk alone.” Lisa Nichols

“Are you willing to do the things you don’t want to do and say the things you don’t want to say so that you can become the man or woman you’ve always known yourself to be.” Lisa Nichols

“It’s your responsibility to show the world how to treat you by the way in which you treat yourself.” Lisa Nichols

“Change your thoughts to change your life.” Lisa Nichols

Lisa Nichols Books

Comparison is and will always be the thief of all joy.” Lisa Nichols

“It wasn’t until I stopped and fell in love with Lisa, that the rest of the world began to fall in love with Lisa.” Lisa Nichols

“There is no such thing as a coincidence. Everything happens for a reason.” Lisa Nichols knows the power of positive thinking and using the right words to manifest what you want in life. These motivational quotes from Lisa Nichols will help empower you to achieve your goals.

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