Simon Bolivar Quotes
Simon Bolivar was the liberator of South America and he had a lot to say about the importance of education. He said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Aside from being a liberator, Bolivar also served as president of Gran Colombia and is considered one of the most influential figures in history. His quotes are still relevant today because they touch on topics like education, freedom, and equality.
Simon Bolivar was a Venezuelan general and politician who played a leading role in the Spanish American wars of independence. He is considered one of the most influential Latin American leaders of all time. Bolivar is quoted as saying: “A people that loves freedom will be free.”
Simon Bolivar Quotes
“Damn it! How will I ever get out of this labyrinth?”
― Simón Bolívar
“The freedom of the New World is the hope of the Universe.” ~ Simon Bolivar
“If Nature is against us, we shall fight Nature and make it obey.” ~ Simon Bolivar
“It is harder to release a nation from servitude than to enslave a free nation.” ~ Simon Bolivar
“Not since North Korean media declared Kim Jong-il to be the reincarnation of Kim Il Sung has there been such a blatant attempt to create a necrocracy, or perhaps mausolocracy, in which a living claimant assumes the fleshly mantle of the departed.”
― Christopher Hitchens
“Damn it,” he sighed. “How will I ever get out of this Labyrinth!”
― John Green, Looking for Alaska
Simon Bolivar Last Words
“Colombians! My last wish is for the happiness of the patria. If my death contributes to the end of partisanship and the consolidation of the union, I shall be lowered in peace into my grave.” ~ Simon Bolivar
“A state too expensive in itself, or by virtue of its dependencies, ultimately falls into decay; its free government is transformed into a tyranny; it disregards the principles which it should preserve, and finally degenerates into despotism. The distinguishing characteristic of small republics is stability: the character of large republics is mutability.” ~ Simon Bolivar
“I’m old, sick, tired, disillusioned, harassed, slandered, and unappreciated.”
― Gabriel García Márquez, The General in His Labyrinth
“Si una palabra sola puede cambiar el curso de la historia, otra palabra, en la oscuridad, derrota la tormenta.”
― Fundación Editorial El perro y la rana, Las más hermosas cartas de amor entre Manuela y Simón
“The United States appear to be destined by Providence to plague America with misery in the name of liberty.” ~ Simon Bolivar
Simon Bolivar Quotes Spanish
“Do not compare your material forces with those of the enemy. Spirit cannot be compared with matter. You are human beings, they are beasts. You are free, they are slaves.” ~ Simon Bolivar
“God grants victory to perseverance.” ~ Simon Bolivar
“Soy preso de una batalla interior entre el deber y el amor; entre tu honor y la deshonra, por ser culpable de amor. Separarnos es lo que indica la cordura y la templanza, en justicia ¡Odio obedecer estas virtudes!”
― Fundación Editorial El perro y la rana, Las más hermosas cartas de amor entre Manuela y Simón
“Bolívar celebró, junto a la mayoría de independistas latinoamericanos, la política de Monroe y de John Quincy Adams, como una salvaguarda contra el peligro de nuevas intervenciones europeas en las Américas”
― Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza, Manual del perfecto idiota latinoamericano
“Damn it! How will I ever get out of this labyrinth?”
― Simón Bolívar
Simon Bolivar Quotes About United States
“The continuation of authority has frequently proved the undoing of democratic governments. Repeated elections are essential to the system of popular governments, because there is nothing so dangerous as to suffer power to be vested for a long time in one citizen. The people become accustomed to obeying him, and he becomes accustomed to commanding, hence the origin of usurpation and tyranny.” ~ Simon Bolivar
“It is harder to maintain the balance of freedom than it is to endure the weight of tyranny.” ~ Simon Bolivar
“How will I ever get out of this labyrinth?”
― Simon Bolivar
“The first duty of a government is to give education to the people”
― Simon Bolivar
“The United States appear to be destined by Providence to plague America with misery in the name of liberty.”
― Simon Bolivar
Simon Bolívar Death
“Nations will march towards the apex of their greatness at the same pace as their education. Nations will soar if their education soars; they will regress if it regresses. Nations will fall and sink in darkness if education is corrupted or completely abandoned” ~ Simon Bolivar
“Flee the country where a lone man holds all power: It is a nation of slaves.” ~ Simon Bolivar
“To do something right it must be done twice. The first time instructs the second.” ~ Simon Bolivar
“Primero el suelo nativo que nada. Nuestra vida no es otra cosa que la herencia de nuestro país.”
― Simón Bolívar
“The real discoverer of South America was [Alexander von] Humboldt, since his work was more useful for our people than the work of all conquerors.”
― Simón Bolívar
Simón Bolívar Speech
“El arte de vencer se aprende en las derrotas”
― Simón Bolívar
“An ignorant people is the blind instrument of its own destruction.” ~ Simon Bolivar
“A people that loves freedom will in the end be free.” ~ Simon Bolivar , Simon Bolivar quotes about freedom
“The art of victory is learned in defeat.” ~ Simon Bolivar
“Para el logro del triunfo siempre ha sido indispensable pasar por la senda de los sacrificios.”
― Simón Bolívar
“Beware the nation in which one man rules, for it is a nation of slaves.”
― Simón Bolívar
Simón Bolívar Fun Facts
“A state too expensive in itself, or by virtue of its dependencies, ultimately falls into decay; its free government is transformed into a tyranny; it disregards the principles which it should preserve, and finally degenerates into despotism.”
“Unión, unión, unión o la anarquía os devorará.”
― Simón Bolívar, Escritos Y Proclamas
“Slavery is the daughter of darkness: an ignorant people is a blind instrument of its own destruction”
― Simón Bolívar
“Ils (les maîtres du monde) nous dominent plus par l’ignorance que par la force”
― Simon Bolivar
“Um povo ignorante é um instrumento cego da sua própria destruição”
― Simón Bolívar, Carta de Jamaica
“un estado demasiado extenso en sí mismo o por sus dependencias, al cabo viene en decadencia y convierte su forma libre en otra tiránica; relaja los principios que deben conservarla y ocurre, por último, al despotismo.”
― Simón Bolívar, Carta de Jamaica
Simón Bolívar Marriage
“Es muy posible que la Nueva Granada no convenga en el reconocimiento de un gobierno central, porque es en extremo adicta a la federación; y entonces formará, por sí sola, un estado que, si subsiste, podrá ser muy dichoso por sus grandes recursos de todo género.”
― Simón Bolívar, Carta de Jamaica
“En cuanto a la heroica y desdichada Venezuela, sus acontecimientos han sido tan rápidos, y sus devastaciones tales, que casi la han reducido a una absoluta indigencia y a una soledad espantosa; no obstante que era uno de los más bellos países de cuantos hacían el orgullo de la América.”
― Simón Bolívar, Carta de Jamaica
Simon Bolivar was a Venezuelan general and politician who played a leading role in the Spanish American wars of independence. He is quoted as saying: “A people that loves freedom will in the end be free.”
Simon Bolivar was a Venezuelan military leader and politician who played a pivotal role in Latin America’s struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire. He is often regarded as one of the most influential figures in Latin American history.
Simon Bolivar’s quotes are still relevant today because they touch on topics like education, freedom, and equality.